Other Possibilities
Exhibition 'Out Back' at the Crooked Man Bar, Prestwich
A guide for viewers involving a bit of banter about these quirky, dark & intriguing images.

.It was a simpler more ancient time. A time of working phone boxes, avocado bathroom suites and chips in brown paper. It was a time when someone, somewhere said these words: 'Put the kettle on love'. And so they did.

'I got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May'

Mr Willoughby's pond was the deepest in the neighbourhood.

There was never anything on TV. He couldn't stand it any more and decided to take control.

At some stage in recent times, handbags started to react to their restrictive lifestyle and all the constraints placed on them. As a result, some of them turned feral and began to express a different side of their personality'
It was the lolly of your dreams
A cool checkered concotion
From an emporium of delights.

'Nowhere man don't worry
Take your time, don't hurry'
You can sit on swings
And think
About lots of things